Referee’s Information Page

Cork Youth League Referees Information Page


All fixtures will be posted on website at least 10 days before a game (usually a Monday evening). First round of fixtures are provisional and are subject to change. Fixtures will then be official the weekend before the game so please ensure to double check the week of the game.

If a referee is assigned a game and becomes unavailable it is the responsibility of the referee to find a replacement if sufficient notice has not been given. Fixture secretary will assist where possible but with the liaison service now removed the responsibility falls on the assigned ref.

If there are any blanks in the fixtures once the panel refs have been assigned then they will be offered to referees on a first come first served basis (assuming referee meets the required criteria). If your available for any games without a referee then let fixture secretary know on 086 780 2790

Easiest way to contact fixture secretary is usually by text.

Referee Fees

Fees can be found at link below. Please note all Cup games are standard fees

Referee Fees 2025


All results must be put up in the Cork Youth League Group or sent directly to the fixture secretary (086 780 2790) Directly after every game.

Match Cards

We will remain with the Match card system for this season. It is responsibility of the clubs to bring match cards but no harm to have a few printed and with you for start of season. Especially from new teams coming from schoolboys.

Match Card Download:

A clear and accurate picture of all match cards is to be emailed to [email protected] after every game. Email subject should contain match details (i.e Carrigaline United v Avondale U17 Premier 17 Aug 2023). Each email should have two picture attached. One of home team match card and one of away.

This should save hassle of having to post match cards.

Discipline issues

All discipline or official referee reports must be sent by email to discipline secretary Richie Browne at [email protected]

If you prefer to hand write reports then a clear picture of the report sent by email with the match details in the subject of the email will suffice.

Again we are trying to cut down on use of paper copies so email is the preferred method for all paperwork.

Clash of Colours

It is the responsibility of the away team to change gear if there is a clash of colours but please let common sense prevail and lets try not to call a game off if a team makes an error.